Not everyone is attracted to modern art. In fact, there is a great deal of debate about what really defines modern art. Perhaps the most important characteristic of modern art is its attempt to make sculpture and painting an end to themselves. You might say it is "art for art’s sake". And this is not to marginalize it in any way at all. The brush of the modern artists allows him or her to be free in expressing the more "personal" meanings of life—thus appealing to a sense of freedom that many people are able to feel by direct association when observing a work of modern art.
Sol Lewitt, hits the nail on the head in his interesting and curios work titled: "Distorted Cubes". The painting evokes a need to understand what he’s communicating. Yet, there is a balance of
colors and images that gives the observer the feeling that everything is placed perfectly. You can tell that Sol Lewitt is working within the matrix of harmony—otherwise known as the consistent arrangement of objects or ideas. In a nutshell, this is an intriguing piece that will fit nicely with any decorative theme in your home or office.