Think Natural
First of all, think natural. Plants of course are an outstanding addition. Anywhere you have natural light in your room, add a plant. You can use either a plant stand - something with a bamboo look melds great with a tropical theme or hang plants near your windows. Woven mats in front of doorways and a natural Japanese jute mat in front of the fireplace with a selection of big fluffy pillows in greens and earthy browns sets a relaxing tone to your room.
On Your Walls
If your vacations frequently take you to warm and sandy locales, make a grouping of photographs on your wall to showcase your adventures. Or ever better add in a beach scene or palm tree artwork to set a tropical mood on your walls.
Window Treatments Make your choice in window treatments light and breezy. Go for light cotton panels that are either solid colors or a print that reflects a tropical feel such as a palm tree or exotic flowers. Use matching sheers to keep the decor feel light and breezy.
Those are just a few changes you can make to keep that warm, tropical feel around your home all through the year.