One thing you can do to avoid the holiday and seasonal blues is make sure that you're eating right and getting an adequate amount of sunlight and exercise. A brisk 10 minute walk, preferably during daylight hours will go a long way to making you feel better.
Another tip for beating the winter blues is to change your living space a little. You don't have to throw out your existing furniture or bring in an expensive suite of furniture, the goal is to figure out how to best use the pieces you've got. If your room seems small, you might have too many pieces in your room or you might simply not be taking advantage of your best use of space. A whimsical artwork in the form of a print or a sculpture displayed on a table can also add a good vibe to your room.
Some people like to feng shui their rooms to bring balance to not only the room but to themselves. You can also invest in a lamp that has a light range in the same range as sunshine. Many individuals report that these type of lamps alleviate their symptoms of SAD, along with making lifestyle changes such as cutting out junk food (which can create emotion crashing sugar highs and lows) and adding some physical activity to their daily routines.