While it is never necessary to break your bank when it comes to bringing the joy of art into your toddler's life, sometimes it is difficult to put a price tag on that kind of exposure. As sure as some people would never think of adding a piece by a famous artist to the walls of their little one, there are others who find a giclee such as Children Writing by Pablo Picasso as an amazing inspiration that they can use to build upon a stimulating, bright environment for their child.
This is the kind of piece that is sure to bring a certain amount of whimsy to your toddler's room while also growing with them over time. Because of the nature of the giclee, it is one that they can actually take with them and place on their walls as they are grown up and living out on their own. Just think of all of the stories that they can tell their acquaintances or even their children about the Picasso painting that they had as they were growing up!